Knit beanie design & file specs
You can design the beanie pixel perfect. Please note restrictions may apply especially when too many color changes happen every other pixel in one row. If you already have a football scarf from Wildemasche: The beanie is knitted in a different knitting technique. That's why details and implementation are different. Same pixel design will look different as beanie or as scarf.
File specs
To download a template you can design, start a beanie in the online designer. Click on top right on "Share design", then on "Download".
Start Online-Designer- File type: PNG
- Number of pixel / stiches: 240 x 230 pixel
- Yarn quality & colors: 100% acrylic yarn
- Number of colors: 4
- Online-Designer functions
The design is knitted pixel perfect, one pixel in the image becomes one knitted stitch in the beanie. But: the design in the ready knitted product is distorted: When transferring graphic to fabric. The distortion is about 50% horizontally. A design with 50% width will have 100% width in the knitted beanie hat. The distortion is displayed in the online preview, and can be cancelled out by compressing the design.

Vertical lines
We recommend to avoid long vertical lines or color changes along vertical lines on the forehead. Otherwise when wearing the knitted fabric is stretched along this line open, which does not look good. This effect can be avoided when elements are rotated a little, so lines / color changes are inclined and not upright vertical.

You can design the whole beanie. Upper 20% of the design will be gathered because of the stitches. At the bottom, a margin of 5 to 10 pixel is recommended. You can wear the beanie in any orientation, if the endings on the left and right fit together smoothly regarding the design. For bar patterns, there is a 1 pixel offset when new row starts.

Seamless design
The beanie hat is circular knitted and has no vertical seam. But there is an offset when knitting a new line. This offset is not displayed in the visualization / preview. The offset is not visible in the ready knitted beanie when the design has a uni color background, or if the arrangement of the pattern takes the offset into account.