Football scarf design & file specs

You can design the fanscarf pixel perfect. Please note restrictions may apply especially when too many color changes happen every other pixel in one row.

Dateiformat Fanschal

File specs

To download a template you can design, start a fanscarf in the online designer. Click on top right on "Share design", then on "Download". The downloaded PNG-File can be opened for example in Photoshop.

Start Online-Designer

Pixel to knitted stitch

Fanschal Pixel Entwurf vergrößert

Pixel in the design

One pixel is highlighted in the color reduced design. Design file width is 84 pixel, scarf width is 84 knitted stitches.

Masche aus Pixel im Fanschal gestrickt

Image to stitch

Image/design in upper half, knitted stitch in the scarf below. Stitches are "V"-shaped, not rectangular.

Pixel / Masche im fertigen Schal

Ready made scarf

Single pixel/stitches make up the whole design. From a distance, single stitches are not identifiable anymore.

What does "color reduced" mean?

Logo für Fanschal gestalten offline

Looks like 4 colors

This design seems to have 4 colors: background white, and in the design white, darkgreen, darkred and yellow.

Fanschal Logo Ausschnitt Wildemasche

Color count

When zooming in, you can see there are more colors, about 3600 total.

These are color shades/gradients that come when scaling the image, or when the design is saved as JPEG (image compression). Designs should be saved in an image format that can store color palettes, e.g. PNG

Maximum 5 colors can be knitted in the football scarf, so colors have to be reduced to this number. Or in this case, 4 colors make sense, having and additional grey does not improve the design in any way.

Fanschal Logo farbreduziert

Color reduced

Now there are 4 colors in the design (red is out of the image section). Every pixel has one color, becoming one knitted stitch in the scarf or other product

Fringes / tassels

The fringes are not part of the design. They are added during knitting automatically. The Fringes / tassles made from ALL colors used in the scarf. Sorry no uni color fringes possible.

Front & Back Design

You can create two separate files, but maximum number of colors is 5 in the whole scarf (front + back). In the basket your design is shown with the front and back design together in one picture. In production the upper half of the design will get turned by 180 degrees so when holding the scarf up, text will be correctly readable from the front and the back.


  • Standard football scarf: ca. 145 x 17 cm
  • Kids football scarf: ca. 110 x 15 cm
  • Maxi football scarf: ca. 200 x 17 cm

To design pixel perfect, use the dimensions given in pixel, NOT the size of the ready made scarf in cm. One pixel becomes one knitted stitch. Depending an actual design and number of knitting colors used, the ready size may vary. That's why the aspect ratio of the file dimensions and the aspect ratio of the knitted scarf in cm is not identical. 5 color scarves usually come out wider and heavier, design may be stretched. Round logos in the design may not be perfectly round in the scarf.

100% Acrylic
ca. 145x17cm
100% Acrylic
ca. 40x40cm
100% Acrylic
ca. 145x17cm
* incl. tax, plus shipping