Online beanie configurator
You have a design idea for a nice knit beanie? Then wait no longer and start the online beanie designer, to get the design out of your head, and onto your head. The Wildemasche beanie configurator gives you all the options to create your personal knit beanie.

Wildemasche quality
You can design the whole knit beanie, because it is a knitted beanie. The design is made up from knitted stitches, each stitch has one color. This way, you can create a pattern as image resp design, and this will be knitted stitch by stitch into your custom beanie hat.
This means a huge freedom of design, possibilities and color combinations, patterns, text, logos and cliparts.
The end of crocheted beanie
Watch out: this beanie is knitted. Put your logo on the beanie design, add text and choose an allover pattern.
Online knitbeanie configurator with acrylic, woolen-like yarn were colors can be picked from the palette. The beanie design is not only for merchandise or giveaways, but perfect for your custom single piece or any other small or large amount. It makes little sense to print on knitted beanies: although offered by some companies, the design does not last long and falls off after a while. Better have it knitted in, so you will have more and longer fun with it.
Format for knit beanies
The Online Designer is the perfect tools to create your custom pattern: the format created there can be knitted right away, it has the right size for knitting. And also very important: it is color reduced.
The design ist knitted stitch for stitch in the Wildemasche knitting plant, and is sent out within a few days one the road to destinations worldwide. This way, unique single pieces are being made just to crown your head, that no one else has. So the idea out of your head is displayed and can be seen widely.
Choose your head colors
The acrylic wool beanie has 22 colors to choose from. Pick 4 of them to be in one design at a time. Also choose from templates and patterns, and random patterns created dynamically. Of course your custom knit piece can come in uni color as well, so there is enough space to upload a logo or insert a clipart. All templates can be edited and worked on in the online configurator.
See all infos and beanie specs here:
Enjoy the Wildemasche beanie experience!